Cumulative review system

Cumulative Review System
Cumulative Review

It is a very unfortunate fact that some human memory system retains what it hears once for a lifetime, but some simply disappears even if we try to recall it over and over again. Hermann Ebbinghaus, the founder of learning science, published a paper in 1885 and presented a formula for calculating the rate of forgetting of the memory system.

After that, it was known through numerous studies that review is more important than preparation for learning, and that review should be done periodically and cumulatively.

학업 방법별 성취도 곡선

The 'forgetting curve' that everyone is familiar with, but not easy 'cumulative review'

"How can a learner do the cumulative review that is essential for studying without difficulty?"

able SMART LMS, designed by learning science experts, based on Ebbinghaus's forgetting curve and related research results, we developed the directly so that our children can review cumulatively at the optimal time.

<able Cumulative Review Cycle Formula>

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